Dear Future Entrepreneurs…
Whether your dreams are big or small, being an entrepreneur takes COURAGE. The path to becoming a successful business owner is not easy when you’re always striving for MORE. You’ll have to deal with everyday challenges that you're not accustomed to, make sure your team is right for you and your business, and all of the in between.
I didn't go to business school. In fact, I didn't even graduate from High School (I did get my GED, however). My determination and strength is what got me here. It has pushed me to publish 3 books available internationally, create a first ever hair app in the industry, and build a million dollar brand known as AIIR Professional.
Through leadership books, business counseling, and life lessons, I have been able to stay focused and guided through all of the hardships. Now I’m here to do that for YOU. Are you an entrepreneur looking for a sign to start or even a current business owner feeling that you’ve reached a plateau? From one entrepreneur to another, here are my TOP 3 strategies on how to be successful in your craft:
A healthy mindset is the key to achieving your goals. You need to know that YOU hold the power and deserve to achieve every single one of your goals! Start small and work your way to larger goals, one stepping stone at a time. This has been my secret weapon in all of my entrepreneurial ventures, like AIIR. By starting small, we are able to build the confidence and self growth necessary to tackle those larger goals and face challenges. The process is all part of the journey, but as long as you have your MINDSET, you’ll never fall off track.
SPEAK it, VISUALIZE it, and WRITE it down!
When you vocalize your goals, you are speaking them into existence. I realized that the more I spoke about AIIR, the more I was feeling held accountable to achieve my goals. I am a HUGE fan of visualizing my dreams and a firm believer in the Law of Attraction. The basic premise is that what you put out into the universe, you will get back. So start creating your vision board from elements in your own home or surf Pinterest for photos that inspire you, and WRITE YOUR GOALS DOWN. I write down my 3-month, 6-month, and 1-year goals. I start by evaluating my 1-year goal, and then determine what it’s going to take to achieve that at the 3 and 6 month marks. Give it a try, and I promise you’ll notice a difference.
Be OK with failure!
Yep, I said it! You HAVE to fail in order to succeed. When you are leveling up your business, it’s inevitable that things will not always work out as planned. Failure leads you down paths you would have never discovered had you not been forced to pivot in difficult situations. Don’t be afraid to fail but HONOR your failures. You tend to take greater risks when you are not afraid to fail. It may sound simple, but when you fall down... What do you do? You get back up, right? But maybe next time assess: Why did I fall in the first place? And then you make decisions based on your discovery that make you STRONGER. It all comes back around to your MINDSET and being able to manifest your goals. If you fail, be brave enough to tell yourself that you can and WILL be able to try again. A mindset to win is huge for achieving your goals, but it’s just as important to accept your failures and learn to pivot.
“Failure leads you down paths you would have never discovered had you not been forced to pivot in difficult situations”